C.P.A.P: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. Boussignac C.P.A.P. is a device providing continuous positive airway pressure.
About Product
C.P.A.P: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.
Boussignac C.P.A.P. is a device providing continuous positive airway pressure.
Boussignac C.P.A.P. is a respiratory assistance device for patients with spontaneous ventilation allowing maintenance in the airways of a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure during the entire respiratory cycle.
The CPAP mode of ventilation allows:
- to recruit collapsed alveoli and avoid the collapse of pulmonary alveoli,
- to restore a satisfactory level of functional residual capacity,
- to improve gas exchange at the level of the alveolocapillary membrane,
- to decrease pulmonary resistance,
- to decrease the work of breathing,
- to redistribute the alveolar liquid to the interstitial space in case of acute pulmonary oedema.
The CPAP+ set includes:
- 1 Boussignac CPAP which can be connected to a
- Contains Latex: No
- Contains DEHP: No
- Contains biogical or animal-based product: No
- Non-pyrogenic: No