Extension tube with 96 hour I.V. filter
Code 807.01 and 807.02: 0.22µm air eliminating filter,with PVC extension tube.
About Product
Code 807.01 and 807.02: 0.22µm air eliminating filter, with PVC extension tube, for filtration of bacteria, endotoxins and particulate matter (latex, glass etc.). Duration of use: up to 96 hours – Supplied with day change labels.
N.B.: Filter is not compatible with lipids and blood.
Code 807.102: 1.2µm air eliminating filter for lipidic solutions with PVC extension tube with clamp. Duration of use: up to 24 hours – Supplied with day change labels.
N.B.: Filter is not compatible with blood.
Code 807.01: with injection site. Total length 35cm. Dead volume: 4.4ml.
Code 807.02: without injection site. Total length 24cm. Dead volume: 3.6ml.
Code 807.102: without injection site. Total length 30cm. Dead volume: 3.6ml.
Low protein binding filter.
- Contains Latex: No
- Contains DEHP: No
- Contains biogical or animal-based product: No
- Non-pyrogenic: Yes