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Nutrifit enteral feeding tube in silicone with weighted tip
Nutrifit safe enteral feeding tubes, made of silicone, with weighted tip.
About Product
Nutrifit safe enteral feeding tubes, made of silicone, with weighted tip.
These feeding tubes have the following features:
- Made of silicone
- Closed distal tip, containing a brass or stainless steel weigth
- With 2 lateral eyes (6Fr to 10Fr) or 4 lateral eyes (12Fr and 14Fr)
- Length: 125cm
- Numerical centimetric marking from 5 to 70cm
- Purple-colored ENFit (Nutrifit) connector, requiring the use of associated ENFit devices
- Color-coded strip to identify tubes’ sizes
- Radio-opaque tube
The Nutrifit feeding tubes are equipped with an ENFit connection compliant with the ISO standard 80369-3. Consequently, accidental misconnections between ENFit devices intended for enteral nutrition and devices intended for other indications (venous access, spinal, epidural, vesical, respiratory…) are avoided and the right administration route is respected.
Maximal duration of use: 29 days.
- Contains Latex: No
- Contains DEHP: No
- Contains biogical or animal-based product: No
- Non-pyrogenic: No