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Male / male extension tube
Triple layer extension tube (PVC/EVA/PE) for IV catheters with two male Luer-lock ends.
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Multi-purpose extension tube
Triple-layer extension tube (PVC/EVA/PE) for IV catheters with 1 male Luer-lock end and 1 female Luer-lock end.
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Extension tube with Bionector TKO
I.V. extension tube in flexible, transparent polyurethane tubing with Bionector TKO and mini Roberts clamp.
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Triple lumen extension tube with Bionector
Octopus 3 with Bionector is a polyurethane, transparent, supple multi-lumen extension tube for IV catheters (peripheral or central venous). To identify the different infusion lines, each line has a hub or a clamp of a different colour. It allows to connect to the catheter several independant IV lines.
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Triple lumen extension tube with Autoflush
Octopus is a polyurethane multi-lumen extension tube for I.V. catheters, transparent and with low priming volume. To identify the different infusion lines, each tube has a clamp of different colour. Octopus allows, in some cases, to avoid the use of stopcocks or ramps of stopcocks. Autoflush connected to the proximal hubs of the Octopus is…
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Triple lumen extension tube with non-return valve
Octopus for TIVA is a triple lumen catheter extension tube specifically designed for total intravenous anaesthesia by target controlled infusion.
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Double lumen extension tube with Vadsite
I.V. extension tube in flexible, transparent polyurethane tubing with Vadsite and flat clamp. Octopus with Vadsite is a multi-purpose catheter accessory, a single lumen or multi-lumen I.V. extension tube with needleless connector(s), enabling intermittent injections or continuous infusions of fluids or medications and blood sampling depending on device variant. The variants with anti-reflux valves negate the…
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Coiled extension tube with anti-siphon valve
Code 833: internal diameter 1.5 mm – Female Luer-lock / Male Luer-lock. PE-lined PVC extension tube Code 834: internal diameter 1.0 mm – Female Luer-lock / Male Luer-lock. PE-lined PVC extension tube 15/135
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Double lumen extension tube with Bionector
Protect-a-set (code 836.02) and Octopus 2 (other codes) are polyurethane, transparent, supple with low dead space double-lumen extension tubes for IV catheters (peripheral or central venous) fitted with one or 2 Bionector. To identify the different infusion lines, each line has a hub or a clamp of a different colour. They allow to connect to…
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Extension tube with anti-siphon valve
Triple layer extension tube for use with syringe pumps, PCA
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